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Copywriting Is A Great Tool For Business

copywriting is?

By Halal Incorp,

The Art of Copywriting and Advertising with David Ogilvy

Copywriting is writing for the purpose of advertising or other forms of marketing.

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It is fundamental to effective online marketing as copywriting is an art & science within itself. It is an art of strategically choosing words, whether written or spoken, to get potential consumers to take some form of action. It is a science as it uses empirical evidence from the market & responses to posts to make improvements. Copywriters are some of the highest-paid writers in the world. Like any other skill, one would need to invest time & energy into studying the craft of copywriting to become proficient & profitable in it.

Introducing content marketing

“What’s the difference between content marketing & copywriting”

Content marketing à means producing & sharing valuable free content to attract & convert not only potential customers into actual ones but to also attract customers into repeat buyers.

Copywriting, We have briefly discussed copywriting as writing as a form of marketing. This is what copywrite looks like. What copywrite does is to get a reader to take a specific action. Sometimes that’s making a purchase, but it can also be subscribing to your email list or calling you for more information.

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Content marketing isn’t about pitching your products or services. It is all about creating relevant & useful content to reach customers & prospects (potential customers) that will actually make an impact.

There are 3 main benefits to adopting content marketing:

Content marketing is the present & the future. As the average number of hours spent on social media increases every year, it is clear to see that more & more attention is spent on this platform. Attention is the purpose behind all marketing – what is the point in producing marketing content if there are no eyes to view it? The fact that social media has become recognised as a platform for marketing isn’t new information. Subsequently, there is a lot of competition for the attention of prospects & customers online. This means to stand out online, the marketing must be intriguing & beneficial for the consumer.

Learn A Key Skill In Marketing: Get This Copywriting Basics Course Now: Click Here

Good, Fast AND Cheap… Dream on

There are a few important aspects of content marketing that we must consider.  

With so much content being produced, competition in today’s so-called “attention economy” has never been more evident. We may feel a pressure to comprise quality to meet demands on quantity. It is important not to be pressured into posting cheap content but to instead publish the very best content possible. It’s better to publish one excellent post per week than five mediocre posts per week.

Learn A Key Skill In Marketing: Get This Copywriting Basics Course Now: Click Here

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