Lost Gems Of Islamic History Amazing eBook

Lost Gems Of Islamic

Lost Gems Of Islamic History

Islamic history & heritage should play an integral part in the life of any Muslim. Although history details constructs of the past it is still however entrenched in modern day living and plays a part in our everyday lives. We can see history all around us if we observe below the surface of societal structures.

Islamic heritage is entrenched in contemporary and modern living. Many of the scientific and technological breakthroughs over the last few hundred years when explored on a deeper level reveal Islamic influence in varying formats. It is important that wider society has an opportunity to learn about how Islamic culture, scholarly thought, scientific endeavour and technological advancement has supported modern living.

Delving into the past can also help young entrepreneurs, students, tech enthusiasts, young people, medicine students and many others develop new thinking which can impact the innovative solutions of tomorrow.

Lost Gems Of Islamic History, Paperback: Click Here

This eBook was written and compiled over a period of around 12 months. It contains 43 individual and unique stories related to Islamic history from swashbuckling pirates, Mongol warriors, ancient technology, Viking age treasure, warrior Queens, centres of learning, Chinese poetry and many more lost gems of Islamic heritage.

Islamic Golden Age - Wikipedia Lost Gems Of Islamic History

This eBook provides real value to any reader and the content within can be shared enlightening both young and old. The reason why I wrote this material in relation to this particular genre was to inspire and motivate a generation of Muslim and non-Muslim youth to reconnect with the past and create contemporary innovations and groundbreaking discoveries to become modern day leaders in fields such as science, medicine, tech, art, culture, literature, business and beyond.

Maj Hussain

“Join me on a quest to unravel the elements Islamic history & heritage”

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