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Zombie Virus Siberia Could Unleash Chaos

Zombie Virus Siberia

Zombie Virus Siberia

WION Climate Tracker: Scientists revive 48,500-year-old ‘zombie virus’ buried in ice

Siberian Permafrost Holds Potential for Unleashing a Deadly Pandemic

By Staff Writer, Halal Incorp

Scientists are cautioning about a potential and unusual pandemic threat emerging from the Arctic region.

The concern arises from ancient viruses, dubbed Methuselah microbes or zombie viruses, entombed in the permafrost of Siberia.

Zombie Virus Siberia

As Earth’s climate warms, there is a risk that these long-frozen viruses could be unleashed, leading to a significant disease outbreak.

Researchers have already identified strains of these viruses, raising alarms about the possibility of a global health emergency triggered not by a novel disease but by one from the distant past.

In response, scientists are developing an Arctic monitoring network to detect early cases of diseases caused by ancient microorganisms.

Zombie Virus Siberia

This network would also facilitate quarantine measures and expert medical treatment to contain potential outbreaks and prevent infected individuals from leaving the region.

Geneticist Jean-Michel Claverie emphasizes the oversight in current pandemic threat analyses, which primarily focus on diseases emerging in southern regions and spreading north.

The threat of an outbreak originating in the far north and traveling south has been underestimated, according to Claverie. Virologist Marion Koopmans echoes this concern, highlighting the uncertainty of the viruses lying dormant in the permafrost and the real risk of triggering ancient diseases like polio.

Recent research has revealed the isolation of live viruses from Siberia, some dating back 48,500 years, capable of infecting single-cell organisms.

Zombie Virus Siberia

While these particular viruses were harmless to humans, traces of known human pathogens, such as poxviruses and herpesviruses, have been identified in the permafrost.

Permafrost, covering a substantial portion of the northern hemisphere, has historically preserved biological material due to its cold, dark, and oxygen-lacking environment.

However, climate change is causing the melting of the upper layers of permafrost in regions like Canada, Siberia, and Alaska.

The disappearance of Arctic sea ice, a consequence of global warming, poses an immediate threat by facilitating increased shipping, traffic, and industrial development in Siberia.

Zombie Virus Siberia

Massive mining operations planned for the region could release vast amounts of pathogens, posing a potential calamity as miners may unknowingly breathe in these ancient viruses.

Scientists stress that the danger arises not just from melting permafrost but also from the changing land use, which has been a key driver of epidemic outbreaks throughout history.

The deep layers of permafrost may contain viruses up to a million years old, posing concerns about human immune systems encountering unknown microbes.

To address this tangible threat, scientists are collaborating with the University of the Arctic to establish quarantine facilities and provide medical expertise for early detection and localized treatment, recognizing the need for proactive preparedness.

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