Gas Reserves In Gaza Being Stolen?

Gas Reserves

Staff Writer, Halal Incorp

Gaza Gas Reserves Israel’s Real Agenda In Hamas War? EU, US Join Energy Race Post Russia Ukraine War

Reported by Mundo Obrero Workers World: In 1999, British Gas (BG) identified natural gas in the Gaza Marine fields, situated 20 nautical miles off the Gaza coast at a depth of 375 miles. Exploration through Gaza Marine 1 and Gaza Marine 2 revealed the potential for up to 1 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.

Despite the Oslo Accords granting the Palestinian Authority sovereignty over maritime territory in 1995, BG was given a 25-year, 90% stake by the PA in 1999, leading to disputes with Israel.

Israel obstructed the development, proposing the pipeline to run to an Israeli-controlled port and demanding below-market-price fuel from Gaza Marine.

Gas Reserves

In 2007, after Hamas won elections, Israel imposed a naval blockade, further delaying development. Israel’s gas consortium, Yam Thetis, contested BG’s contract award, adding to the delays. In 2008, Israel declared sovereignty over Gaza Marine, violating international laws, prompting BG to close its Tel Aviv offices. Royal Dutch Shell acquired BG’s interests in 2016, but by 2018, it withdrew.

The UNCTAD study in 2019 highlighted Palestinian gas reserves in the West Bank and Gaza, emphasizing the Levant Basin’s importance. Israel claimed exclusive access and profits from the basin.

Despite the Gaza Marine having less gas than the Levant Basin, its proximity and lesser depth make extraction cost-effective. In 2022, renewed interest arose, driven by the Russia-Ukraine war and energy crisis. Joint meetings involving Israel, the U.S., Egypt, Jordan, and the PA discussed the project.

Israel’s preliminary approval in June 2023, with conditions related to security, diplomatic needs, and coordination with the PA and Egypt, marked progress. Netanyahu’s intent to pressure Palestinians to leave Gaza amid conflict has not halted Israel’s plans for oil and gas exploration, evident in the awarding of licenses for additional offshore gas fields in October 2023 to companies like British Petroleum and Eni.

Gas Reserves

Gas Reserves

This reflects Israel’s persistence in resource acquisition despite the ongoing conflict.

Since October 7, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has pursued a strategy aiming to coerce Palestinians to vacate Gaza, displaying a disregard for international calls for a sustained or permanent cease-fire and allowing in adequate levels of humanitarian aid.

This brutal approach echoes historical displacement experiences, such as the 1948 Nakba, heightening fears among the people of Gaza about the permanence of their removal.

Despite this dire situation, Israel has not relented in its pursuit of oil and gas exploration.

Gas Reserves

Gas Reserves

The geopolitical landscape has further complicated matters, with the Pentagon constructing a $35.8 million troop facility in Israel’s Negev desert, ostensibly for monitoring missile attacks.

This facility, only 20 miles from Gaza, forms part of a clandestine U.S. military presence in Israel, adding layers of complexity to an already volatile situation.

Gas Reserves

In essence, Israel’s actions, both in pursuing resource exploration and adopting a coercive strategy in Gaza, underscore the urgent need for international attention and intervention to address the broader geopolitical, humanitarian, and ethical implications of these developments.

The intersection of energy interests, regional conflicts, and human rights issues necessitates a comprehensive approach for sustainable resolution and justice.

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